For Quarter 3 it wasn’t my best I was always not doing my work and not going to a lot of my classes, and now I have to make sure to catch up on a lot of work I have for now. All and all in quarter 3 I still learned and found a lot of things interesting like our while Holocaust unit for ELA and Social studies. Also for social justice started reading a book called stamped and it’s a lot of stories about segregationist assimilationist a lot of people in history fought for slaver to end but a lot of people did it for the outcome. Abe Lincoln is one a person who fought to end slaves but really fought for the rights that poor people shouldn’t be put into slavery and should have rights. Nothing else really happened my math wasn’t good and not was science but mainly because of me I lack the attention span that I used to have and I lose focus more I try hard now to make it to school and make it to every class.